Poor emotionally neglected Duke. I used to throw hotdogs to him as a way of saying I care, although it wasn't hotdogs that he needed. One day I took my camera outside and photographed him through two chain link fences. When he saw me with my camera, he laid down and posed until I finished shooting. I thought this lonely animal was so noble in spite of his isolation. I tried to convey that feeling in the painting. Vaya con Dios, Duke.
Best in Show
This painting of a doll won two awards (one being best in show) in a local juried art competition; the only time I ever showed my work publically. I was both shocked and elated. “Why is her mouth open? Is she whistling?” I was later asked by a couple of members of the group. This quickly brought me back to earth.
Walking thru a parking lot in Santa Monica, I was struck by a car backing out of a space. My right (dominant) wrist was "...shattered in a million pieces" according to the X-rays and orthopedic surgeon. While recovering, I received a gift of a little clown doll sitting in a chair. With my right hand out of commission after surgery, I decided to paint the doll using my left hand, thinking I'd be forced to utilize the right side of my brain and might well paint a masterpiece as a result.
Needless to say, it was a major challenge. Quite frankly, and to my disappointment, I didn't see any difference in the result. I named this painting Lefty
Needless to say, it was a major challenge. Quite frankly, and to my disappointment, I didn't see any difference in the result. I named this painting Lefty
My Dad
In the hospital at age 86. Although Dad recognized my sister and me, he no longer remembered our names ("Are you my daughter?"). He lived to be 95.
Self Portrait
"Michael thinks he's dying" is the notation I wrote on the back of this painting. It was one of many nights I sat up keeping vigil, waiting for my beloved Michael to say when and if I should call for medical help. I tried to capture the surreal, helpless, aloneness I felt. Anyway, this is what I saw in the mirror.
Choctaw Reservation, Mississippi
Gus was a recovering alcoholic. It was what he talked about the most. He was immensely proud of his daily successes in the struggle to remain sober. He told me that for him, being sober was like being free to soar like the eagle. I still plan to paint his portrait.
Jackson, Mississippi
Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferreraro began their presidential campaign in Jackson where I went to see first-hand, history being made.
Joining a group at the Jackson Library, we viewed To Kill A Mockingbird. Although I read the book and saw the movie on TV many times, it was thrilling to see it in the setting of the novel.
I missed Michael and our girls a lot that summer. I prayed he wouldn't succumb to his illness before I returned. I would sit at the window and watch for the mail carrier hoping for letters from home.
Joining a group at the Jackson Library, we viewed To Kill A Mockingbird. Although I read the book and saw the movie on TV many times, it was thrilling to see it in the setting of the novel.
I missed Michael and our girls a lot that summer. I prayed he wouldn't succumb to his illness before I returned. I would sit at the window and watch for the mail carrier hoping for letters from home.
Redondo Beach, California
I persuaded my sister, who lived close to the water, to spend a quiet day at the beach. I took my sketchpad and Conte crayons. As she and I and my nephew sat on the empty beach watching the waves, several seagulls waddled by. My sister pointed and said, "Draw that one." Amazingly, that bird stopped in its tracks and posed for my sketch, then flew away. Later we walked together letting the waves wash over our feet. I took her hand and we ran laughing along the wet sand. My nephew, running behind us, squealing with delight, yelled, "Look at my mommy! Look at my mommy! She's laughing!" I was never able to entice my sister to spend time at the beach with me again, but every time I see this sketch I remember that magical day.
After the shock and horror of learning that Michael was inoperable and his time was limited, I had to face the reality of my survival. It was my close friend Carmen who dragged me kicking and screaming to the local college where I reluctantly enrolled. I sometimes wonder what might have become of me if Carmen had not, with firm resolve, insisted on driving me forward that day.
Eaton Canyon, California
Family picnic, so I could paint a landscape. Michael, unbeknownest to me at the time, took these photographs while the girls went off exploring. While I thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful surroundings and the joy of painting, I learned I am not a landscape painter.
Hello Dolly!
I so love the magnificent, flamboyant, feminine hats from the turn of the century so imaginatively and elegantly recreated in the movie "Hello Dolly." That was the inspiration for my handmade paper hat. I still love it!
Geometric Painting
I really hated this geometric painting assignment. I used a small cel/vinyl painting I had done previously as my inspiration. I couldn't match the colors exactly with acrylic paint for this larger one and I thought I would go blind before it was finished. Also, I wanted it to be perfect, so every time I peeled off the tape I had to touch up little bitty runs. Happily I painted over it recently!